Community Involvement
Rowmark's founder, the late Fred Kremer, often said, "Leadership is best demonstrated by giving back to others." Leading by example, Fred was very active in the Findlay, Ohio and Hancock County community.
Rowmark encourages its team members to “give back” through time, talent and treasury. We believe this fosters leadership skills, and employees benefit from the rewarding experience while doing good for those in need. Volunteerism and community involvement have become a prominent part of the company culture.
Rowmark employees serve our community through volunteerism with various charitable and non-profit organizations, including a variety of United Way agencies. We believe this fosters leadership skills, and employees benefit from the rewarding experience while doing good for those in need. It is from these rather Rowmarkable parts that our team comes together to make the whole Rowmark team... one that is passionate about giving back to others.